25 March
Exporting, Importing and Getting Paid
Venue: AFEX
Time: 17:30-18.30 hours
Price: Free Members / 15 +VAT Non Members
The MexCC and AFEX present the conference "Exporting, Importing and Getting Paid".
When business is looking to export there are so many things to think of. What market to target, how to approach it, a local presence or not?
One thing that is critical to success but often not considered or properly understood is currency risk. When companies are sending or receiving currencies around the Globe they naturally incur a currency risk. This risk if ignored or not properly managed can negatively affect gross profit margin.
Businesses including for example VW have incurred huge losses by not managing this risk properly. The good news is that with a small amount of time and a little understanding this risk can be managed properly, even to the extent that it can benefit gross profit margin positively. The process to manage this risk will be explained in a straightforward manner with a brief overview of Letters of Credit included, allowing all present to ensure they get paid”
Tickets should be paid in advance via online banking to Mexican Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain - HSBC - 40-05-01 - Account No. 81754521
We are looking forward to seeing you at this event!
Exporting, Importing and Getting Paid
Venue: AFEX
Time: 17:30-18.30 hours
Price: Free Members / 15 +VAT Non Members
The MexCC and AFEX present the conference "Exporting, Importing and Getting Paid".
When business is looking to export there are so many things to think of. What market to target, how to approach it, a local presence or not?
One thing that is critical to success but often not considered or properly understood is currency risk. When companies are sending or receiving currencies around the Globe they naturally incur a currency risk. This risk if ignored or not properly managed can negatively affect gross profit margin.
Businesses including for example VW have incurred huge losses by not managing this risk properly. The good news is that with a small amount of time and a little understanding this risk can be managed properly, even to the extent that it can benefit gross profit margin positively. The process to manage this risk will be explained in a straightforward manner with a brief overview of Letters of Credit included, allowing all present to ensure they get paid”
Tickets should be paid in advance via online banking to Mexican Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain - HSBC - 40-05-01 - Account No. 81754521
We are looking forward to seeing you at this event!