The Mexican Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain, (MexCC) is it's Members.
PatronsOur Patrons are members with a special connection to our institution, whose generous contribution is vital for the support and development of our chamber's activities.
Corporate MembersUnder this category, corporations are entitled to greater involvement and presence during the MexCC events. Their representatives are able and greatly encouraged to promote and advertise their business to other members through our services.
Individual Professional MembersDesigned for individuals and/or professionals willing to participate in the events of the MexCC. Access to events at special discount rate or free when available. Brand presence and promotion are NOT included (£160.00+VAT)
Scholar MembersDesigned for academics or students looking to participate in the events of the MexCC. Access to events and special discounts, when available, are part of the benefits of this membership. Brand presence and promotion NOT included. (£50.00+VAT) Remember to send us your student ID with photograph and University details. |
MexCC BenefactorWould you like to be a Benefactor of the MexCC ?
Strategic PartnersStrategic partnerships with third parties are essential to expand and refresh our members networking opportunities and fin finding complementary ways and information to develop their business.
Subscribe for Free to our Mailing listBenefit today of our Free subscription to the MexCC's online mailing list.
Memberships are valid for a period of 12 months starting from the first day of payment.
Renewal is automatic unless previously written notice.
Renewal is automatic unless previously written notice.