Mexico Day 2016 - 30 September 2016 - Mansion House
MEXICO DAY 2016 - Mansion House - Fri- 30 september 2016
8:00 - 8:40 Arrival and Registration & Coffee
8:40 - 8:50 Opening - Welcome Speech
9:30-11:00 MC- Participants will break-out in the following four simultaneous working groups: A.- Energy I: The energy reform has been implemented with transparency and professionalism in a record lapse of 36 months. Both, in the hydrocarbons and the electric sides it has opened a huge range of business opportunities for international companies, where British companies are already capturing or looking seriously into them. The Mexico Day will host two panels with top officials explaining the evolving regulation and trends. In hydrocarbons, three rounds have successfully taken place and deep water (1.4) tender is expected in December, followed by an attractive round (2) on shallow waters early next year. With the same qualities, the first electric bid took place a few months ago and a second round has created high expectative for next year. A second panel will focus on specific areas of opportunity including downstream, midstream infrastructure, insurance, and the very attractive area of renewables. Moderator : Yves Hayaux, Nader Hayaux & Goebel
Since the start of the Tech wave in Mexico in 2012 very important progress has been achieved. Today Mexico is the most attractive country in Latin-American to launch a fintech start-up. In addition to a favourable tech ecosystem, the evolution and potential of financial services make it a unique broth which has not yet been discovered by London ́s tech community. The objective of this roundtable is to bring together relevant stakeholders to learn more about the fintech ecosystem in Mexico, including the recently adjustments in financial regulation that will allow more innovation. Moderator: Israel Pons- Angels Nest
C.- Food & Drinks: Mexico’s culinary and spirits world has awaken the senses and interest of the British market positioning on the top spot as the nation’s favourite foreign cuisine according to research organisation Future Thinking on Jul 2015. One of the most noticeable new trends in the UK spirit market is the uptake on Mexican agave spirits Tequila and Mezcal, having yet to discover the potential on Mexico's crafted and artisanal beers and wines bringing exciting opportunities to the manufacturers, retailers, exports and imports, distribution, logistics and regulations. Reason why, leaders from the private and public sector will gather on a roundtable to review the successes and identify the challenges to face in order to keep strengthening the business relations and quality in the industry. Moderator: Milène Hayaux du Tilly General Manager MexCC
D.- Insurance: Mexico offers attractive opportunities to the London insurance market and to Lloyd’s syndicates. Mexico is the second largest insurance market in Latin America, yet it has one of the lowest penetration rates in the region. It has a state-of-the-art regulation and a diligent regulatory authority. Moreover, the structural reforms in infrastructure and in the energy sector have opened the market to specialized insurance lines of business. The Mexico Day brings the perfect setting to go into detail and learn about the Mexican insurance industry, the effects of the new Insurance Law and Solvency II in the market, interests and current operations of Lloyd’s syndicates in Mexico, impact of changes in the UK insurance regulation derived from Brexit, appetite of the Mexican insurance companies to join efforts with Lloyd’s syndicates to tackle opportunities originated by the structural reforms in Mexico, in similar terms to the strategic partnership recently announced by Grupo Nacional Provincial and Sompo Canopius. Moderador: Juan Pablo Sainz - Nader Hayaux & Goebel.
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break - Networking. 11:30-12:45 Energy transversal Panel (All back to one session) Energy II: Infrastructure, insurance, private equity, risk, midstream, downstream, green finance, fibre, renewables. Moderator: Yves Hayaux du Tilly Chairman of the MexCC