15th - 17th of March 2016
LSESU and the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain
Venue: LSE.
From March 15th to 17th, 2016, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the LSE Mexican Alumni Society, and the LSESU Mexican Students Society will jointly organise the XVIth LSE Mexico Week. This year’s theme will be: Mexico and its Place in the World.
Following our tradition, during three days Mexican and international policy-makers and academics will discuss some of the most pressing issues, not only for Mexico but also for the Latin American region.
Among other issues, we will discuss what are the challenges of the Mexican political and electoral systems, and which specific policies should be implemented to promote economic growth following empirical evidence and world’s best practices.
Experts will also debate the current situation of Mexico and Latin America regarding regulatory issues. The variety of topics here is substantial: from the fields of anti-trust, medicines or telecommunications, to how to visualise the future of marijuana market.
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